How I became a Tech Lead
May 9, 2021
My leadership coach once said. Nobody can promote you to a leader, you have to do it yourself. This is how I managed to promote myself to Tech Lead. …more
Hugo Timeline Shortcode
February 28, 2021
This is a simple timeline shortcode to display timelines in your Hugo posts. …more
No matter what you do, you will always get better
December 21, 2020
Almost everyone knows that you can improve in any task by just doing more of it. I want to explore the limits of this general knowledge and explain why it is a double-edged weapon. …more
What I have learned from talking with a mask
September 3, 2020
I’m the current situation where people is complaining about wearing a face mask because they cannot breathe, I want to highlight that we are losing more than our breath. We are losing our face. …more
Write code for humans, not for computers
June 14, 2020
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. …more
Go Plotly
May 11, 2020
Let me introduce you to Go Plotly. This module will help you to build valid Plotly json to easily create figures from Go! …more
The Clap Button
April 13, 2020
I always loved the clap button from Medium because it allows people how much you actually like a post. So I just implemented that functionality for my blog. …more
Coronavirus Trend In Spain
April 7, 2020
After the video from Minute Earth about the coronavirus, I’ve decided to plot the same data but only for Spain by province. This gives a good view of which provinces are managing to stop the virus. …more
2020-03-30 Weekend Learnings
March 31, 2020
I’ve learned a little bit about frontend testing with chromium web drivers using Agouti and It has proven to be a really good option to write test in Go. Also we are in quarantine so I let you here a WebGL interactive animation to entertain you. …more
Use Git to track Git versions
March 11, 2020
Everyone who has ever been involved in managing versions of different applications, knows that in can be a pain in the ass. Luckily enough there are tools to ease this work and I’ve found that Git provides a general solution independently of your technology stack. Git Submodules. …more